Mae Hong Son Loop Tour 5 Days 4 Nights

Lisu Tribe
Karen Tribe
Long Neck Karen Tribe

Overview: Embark on a captivating journey that begins in Chiang Mai, takes you to Mae Hong Son, and concludes back in Chiang Mai. This comprehensive package offers not only thrilling activities and remarkable sightseeing but also unique experiences that will leave a lasting impression. One of the notable highlights of exploring Mae Hong Son is a scenic boat trip along the majestic Salween River, where you can immerse yourself in the breathtaking splendor of the surroundings. Delve into the rich tapestry of cultures and lifestyles by visiting the diverse Hill Tribes that have made Mae Hong Son their home, providing valuable insights into their traditions and ways of life. To further enhance your travel experience, we offer the flexibility to combine this tour package with other captivating tours or activities in Chiang Mai. Simply inform us of your preferences, and we will craft a personalized travel plan that caters to your specific needs and desires, ensuring a truly remarkable and memorable journey.


After arriving at Chiang Mai Airport, you will be warmly welcomed and assisted with your transfer to the hotel. Once you have checked in, the remainder of the day is at your leisure, allowing you to relax and enjoy your stay in Chiang Mai and take this opportunity to explore the city at your own pace.

Departing from Chiang Mai, you’ll head to Mae Rim District, where you’ll have the opportunity to visit the largest elephant camp in Chiang Mai. Here, you can share happiness with the gentle giants, witnessing them enjoying their baths and displaying their incredible talents in captivating shows. Interacting with elephants in an ethical and responsible manner allows you to create unforgettable memories while respecting these majestic creatures. After the heartwarming elephant experience, you’ll continue your journey to visit an Orchid Farm and Butterfly Farm. At the Orchid Farm, you’ll be amazed by the array of orchid species in vibrant colors and elegant shapes. These delicate flowers are an essential part of Thai culture and are admired for their beauty and significance. At the Butterfly Farm, you’ll be surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colorful butterflies, observing their graceful flight and intricate patterns.

Leaving Mae Rim District, you’ll embark on the picturesque drive to the Pai district, traveling along the historic World War II road. As you navigate through the winding roads with breathtaking views of the mountains, you’ll appreciate the beauty of the region’s natural landscapes. Upon arriving in Pai, a charming town nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains, you’ll visit the Wat Phra That Mae Yen Temple. This hilltop temple offers panoramic views of Pai city and the scenic mountain ranges. Watching the sunrise or sunset from this vantage point is a breathtaking experience that will leave an indelible impression. As the evening approaches, you can explore the vibrant local lifestyle on Pai’s lively walking street. This bustling marketplace is filled with stalls selling handmade products, clothes, jewelry, and souvenirs. You’ll have a chance to savor delicious international and Thai cuisine from the various food vendors and restaurants. The walking street remains lively until midnight, providing a perfect way to end your day of exploration. After an eventful day in Pai, you’ll retreat to your accommodations for a restful overnight stay.

Departing from Pai, you’ll head to Pang Mapha District, where you’ll first visit Doi Kiew Lom Viewpoint. This renowned viewpoint is popular among both Thai and foreign visitors for its breathtaking vistas of a sea of mist that blankets the valley, creating a surreal and enchanting scene. The surrounding landscape adorned with colorful flowers adds to the beauty of the location, making it a memorable spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike. Next on the itinerary is a visit to Tham Lod Cave, one of the most significant archaeological sites in the region. The cave is traversed by a stream known as “Lang,” flowing from one end to the other, creating a remarkable underground cave system adorned with stalactites and stalagmites. The cave also holds a treasure trove of early-age antique tools and utensils, some of which are believed to be over 2,000 years old. Exploring this cave offers a glimpse into the region’s ancient history and natural wonders. For an adventurous experience, you can indulge in bamboo rafting inside the cave, floating along the serene waters as you immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring surroundings. Additionally, short trekking around the cave allows you to witness the captivating landscapes that embrace this subterranean gem.

Continuing your journey, you’ll visit the Lahu hill tribe village. The Lahu people originally hailed from Tibet and later migrated to various regions in China before eventually settling in the north of Thailand centuries ago. The Lahu’s preference for building villages on high lands reflects their simple way of life, rooted in the worship of spirits and a connection to nature. Agriculture, including rice farming and corn planting, forms the basis of their livelihood, and their reputation as skilled hunters is well-known. Despite their distinct culture and language, the Lahu are known for their hospitality and are eager to welcome foreign visitors with warmth and friendship.

From the Lahu village, you’ll continue your journey to the Lisu Hill Tribe village. The Lisu people’s ancestral home lies in the area surrounding the Mae Kong River and Salween River in China. Over time, they migrated to northern Myanmar before finally settling in northern Thailand around a century ago. Like the Lahu, the Lisu people also depend on agriculture, with rice and corn being staple crops for consumption and livestock-raising purposes. Their artistic talents are showcased through their expertise in sewing, embroidery, and crafting silverware. The strikingly vibrant and colorful dresses worn by Lisu women are a testament to their distinctive cultural identity. With their welcoming nature, friendly demeanor, and vibrant traditions, the Lisu people leave a lasting impression on visitors to the Mae Hong Son province. As the day comes to a close, you’ll retreat to your accommodations in Mae Hong Son, where you can rest and reflect on the enriching experiences of the day. Tomorrow, you’ll continue your journey to explore more of the region’s captivating attractions and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Northern Thailand.

Continuing your journey, you’ll embark on a boat ride for sightseeing along the Pai River. This leisurely boat tour offers picturesque views of the tranquil river, showcasing some of the most beautiful scenery and simple lifestyles that thrive along its banks. The slow-paced journey allows you to immerse yourself in the serene surroundings and appreciate the natural beauty of the region. One of the highlights of the day is a visit to the Long-Necked Karen village. Here, you’ll encounter the fascinating tradition of the women wearing single brass winding rings around their necks. This ancient practice has become a symbol of their cultural identity. Being a conservative tribal village, the Long-Necked Karen people have maintained and preserved their unique customs and traditions for generations. Visiting the village provides an opportunity to learn about their way of life and gain insights into their customs and beliefs.

Next, you’ll pay respect at Wat Phra That Doi Kong Mu temple, one of the most important and revered religious sites in Mae Hong Son. Situated atop Kong Mu Mountain, the temple consists of two pagodas of different sizes, constructed in the 19th century. From the hilltop, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of the town surrounded by majestic mountains and lush valleys. Continuing your exploration of religious sites, you’ll visit Wat Chong Kham and Wat Chong Klang temples. These ancient temples showcase beautiful Burmese-style architecture and house sacred Buddha images, including the revered Luang Paw To. Inside Wat Chong Klang, you’ll find an impressive collection of Burmese wood carving dolls and large glass paintings depicting Buddhist history, adding cultural and artistic depth to your visit.

Afterward, you’ll head to Baan Rak Thai village, a village with Yunnan Chinese origins, settled by the former military of the Chinese Nationalist 93rd division who migrated from Southern China during the communist regime. This village offers stunning mountain scenery, picturesque lakes, and colorful shrubbery. You’ll also have the opportunity to taste delicious Yunnan cuisine, including the renowned Chinese tea, which is of the highest quality in Mae Hong Son province. Next, you’ll explore the peaceful and serene Shan village of Baan Ruam Thai, also known as Pang Oung. This village is nestled among the rugged mountain range and boasts a spectacular reservoir that has earned it the nickname “Switzerland in Thailand.” The picturesque landscape of pine forests and colorful winter flowers adds to the charm of the village. The cold weather throughout the year, accompanied by the captivating fog floating above the lake in the mornings, makes it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts seeking tranquility.

Lastly, you’ll greet the Hmong hill tribe, which has the smallest population in Mae Hong Son but is scattered throughout the region. Originally hailing from the Tibet Plateau and Mongolia, the Hmong migrated into China centuries ago and eventually settled in Thailand hundreds of years ago. Like other hill tribes, the Hmong rely on agriculture for their livelihood, engaging in rice planting, fruit and vegetable cultivation, and livestock rearing. Experiencing the culture, traditions, and lifestyle of the Hmong offers a unique and enriching encounter. At the end of the day, you’ll return to Mae Hong Son for another night, where you can reflect on the rich cultural experiences and beautiful landscapes encountered throughout the day.

Your journey from Mae Hong Son to Mae La Noi district takes you to Huai Hom village, a picturesque Karen hill tribe village nestled amidst nature and surrounded by mountains. The village’s unique topography of steep mountains creates a rich source of headwaters and streams. The year-round cool climate and beautiful natural scenery make it an idyllic destination in every season. The villagers in Huai Hom primarily rely on agriculture for their livelihood, engaging in farming, livestock rearing, and cultivation of various vegetables and fruits, including the renowned Arabica coffee. The coffee produced here is of excellent quality, containing superior coffee substances and a delightful taste. One of the village’s notable supplementary occupations is weaving, where they use natural cotton, calico, and sheep wool to create intricate fabrics. The traditional cloth woven from sheep in Baan Huai Hom showcases the local wisdom and craftsmanship of the Karen tribe. The simple lifestyle, distinct culture, traditional clothing, language, and artistic expressions of the tribe, along with the warm and friendly demeanor of the villagers, leave a lasting impression on visitors.

Continuing your exploration, you’ll visit Ban La-ub village, a Lawa hill tribe settlement. As you approach the village, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of nature on both sides of the road. The village itself is situated on a high mountain, offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding beauty. The Lawa people have a long history in the north of Thailand and have distinct dress and language, which sets them apart from the Thai population. Their beliefs revolve around spirit worship, combined with elements of other religions. Like other hill tribes, the Lawa engage in farming, vegetable and fruit cultivation, and livestock rearing. They are also known for their skill in creating silver ornaments. The warm welcome, friendly greetings, strong faith, and rich traditions of the Lawa, coupled with the breathtaking natural scenery, leave a profound impact on visitors. Spending the night in Mae Sariang allows you to fully appreciate the cultural richness and natural beauty of the region. Tomorrow, your journey will continue as you delve deeper into the diverse landscapes and fascinating cultures that northern Thailand has to offer.

Your journey from Mae Sariang leads you to Mae Saam Laeb Village, situated along the picturesque banks of the Salween River. The Salween River is a significant river with international importance, originating from the melting snow of the Himalayan Mountains and flowing through China, Myanmar, and Thailand. With a length of 2,800 kilometers, it is the 26th longest river in the world and the second longest in Southeast Asia, following the Mekong River. The Salween River is renowned for its stunning beauty, characterized by the merging of streams that create fertile lowlands. These fertile lands have been home to at least ten ethnic groups in China, Myanmar, and Thailand for generations, giving rise to a diverse and vibrant cultural landscape.

Your journey on a long-tail boat along the Salween River will offer you the opportunity to appreciate the natural splendor of both riverbanks and experience the way of life of the Thai and Burmese people living along its shores. The scenic views and tranquil surroundings will provide a serene and memorable experience as you traverse the waterway. A delicious lunch will be provided at a local restaurant, allowing you to savor the flavors of the region while enjoying the scenic beauty around you. After your boat excursion and exploration of Mae Saam Laeb Village, you will continue your journey back to Chiang Mai. Upon arrival in Chiang Mai, you will be transferred to your hotel. Throughout your journey, you will have witnessed the diverse landscapes, cultural richness, and natural wonders that northern Thailand has to offer. The experiences and memories gathered from this trip will surely stay with you for a lifetime.

As your remarkable journey in Northern Thailand comes to an end, it is time to bid farewell. Our dedicated team will transfer you to Chiang Mai Airport to ensure that your return journey or onward travels to other destinations go smoothly, and this is where our service ends.

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