Mae Sariang Attractions

Mae Sariang Tourist Attractions:
Mae Sariang district, a venerable enclave within Mae Hong Son province, stands as a harmonious convergence point for a multitude of hill tribes spanning generations. This hallowed land also holds the key to Lanna’s storied past, a tapestry woven with historical significance. In ages long gone, Mae Sariang was hailed as a beacon of civilization, a living testament to the union of nature’s splendor – in the form of lush forests, majestic mountains, and meandering rivers – in the southern expanse of Mae Hong Son province. Such a tapestry of history and natural grandeur beckons with an irresistible allure, leaving no room for missed opportunities. A visit to this enchanting district promises to unfold a chapter of unwavering charm and compelling allure that deserves your undivided attention.

Mae Sariang

Salawin National Park:
Enveloping a sprawling expanse of 721 square kilometers along the meandering course of the Salween River, the Salawin National Park stands as a verdant sanctuary nestled upon the very threshold of the Thai-Myanmar border. A mere 164 kilometers south of Mae Hong Son, this remarkable preserve unveils a symphony of nature’s riches – a composition of rivers, mountains, and forests that together create a masterpiece of unparalleled allure. Within the embrace of this haven, the Salween River takes center stage, its origins tracing back to the lofty heights of Tibet before embarking on a remarkable journey through China, Thailand, and Myanmar, traversing a staggering distance of over 3,000 kilometers. Along its sinuous course, the river assumes the mantle of a natural boundary between Myanmar and Thailand, delineating their realms for a stretch of 120 kilometers. For those enticed by the allure of the Salween’s tranquil waters, a boat sojourn along its meandering embrace beckons. Yet, the embrace of its currents and banks requires a touch of preparation and caution. As travelers set their sights upon boat trips or camping expeditions, a prudent step lies in contacting the park headquarters. Here, guardians of the wild stand ready to ensure not only the visitor’s safety but also the preservation of this delicate ecosystem. The headquarters extend their embrace with accommodation and essential facilities, creating a harmonious balance between human presence and nature’s sanctuary. As the seasons unfold their whims, a window of splendor opens during the months of March and April. During this interval, the river’s waters recede, unveiling pristine sandy beaches that beckon for exploration and leisure. Alongside these banks, nature’s tableau unfurls – fertile forests, mountains shrouded in ethereal white fog – an enchanting spectacle that gains its greatest allure during the embrace of winter. Amongst these scenic vistas lie pockets of human habitation, small hamlets that add to the mystique of this realm.

Salawin National Park

Salween River:
The Salween River, a majestic waterway of remarkable origins, begins its journey on the lofty Tibetan plateau, carving its course through the landscapes of China and Myanmar before embracing the Thai-Myanmar border within the embrace of Mae Hong Son province. As it winds its way through this tapestry of terrain, the river caresses the districts of Mae Lanoi, Mae Sariang, and Sob Moei, a testament to the river’s border-defying nature. With the arrival of summer, a transformation befalls the Salween River. Snow melting from the distant mountain ranges of Tibet bestows the river with crystal clarity, as if nature herself is revealing her hidden treasures. However, the winter months offer an enchanting counterpoint, as a blanket of fog shrouds the river in an ethereal embrace. This dance of mist and water, harmonizing with the changing hues of the forest’s shedding leaves, creates an enchanting spectacle, infusing the woodland with an added layer of splendor. A symphony of tides orchestrates the river’s cadence, ebbing and flowing with the rhythm of seasons. Winter and summer unveil low tides, exposing the pristine white sands that grace the river’s banks. These sandy shores, flanked by ancient hill rocks both grand and modest, invite nature enthusiasts to immerse themselves fully in the embrace of the wild. Pitching a tent upon these picturesque beaches offers a chance to commune intimately with nature, a sleeping under the stars that becomes an unforgettable chapter in one’s journey. For those seeking to venture upon the Salween’s tranquil waters, a boat journey becomes a gateway to a world of wonder. Drifting along the river’s gentle currents unveils vistas that change like chapters in a storybook, each bend revealing a new facet of nature’s grand design. As the heart of the Salween River beats along the Thai-Myanmar border, a village stands as a testament to the harmonious relationship between humanity and nature. Baan Ta Fung, nestled along the riverbank, extends a warm invitation to those who seek to immerse themselves in nature’s embrace. It is a place where tents find a home, where the lullaby of flowing water becomes the soundtrack to dreams, and where the pulse of life intertwines with the tranquil cadence of the river.

Salween River

Thung Bua Tong Field Doi Mae Ho / Mae Sawan Noi Waterfall:
Nestled within the embrace of Mae Ho Village, Mae Ho Sub-district, Mae Sariang District, and adorning both sides of the iconic Highway No. 108 – the scenic Mae Sariang-Chiang Mai route – lies the captivating Thung Bua Tong Field. During the months of November and December, a wondrous spectacle graces this landscape as millions of Bua Tong flowers burst into bloom, painting the surroundings with an indescribable beauty. This floral symphony stretches for over 2 kilometers, inviting travelers into a realm of captivating hues. Just a stone’s throw from Thung Bua Tong Field, the quaint Ban Mae Ho village beckons with a rich tapestry of culture and way of life belonging to the Karen tribe. Against the backdrop of majestic mountains, these villagers thrive in agriculture, cultivating rows upon rows of cabbage and other vibrant crops that cascade down the terrain, offering a picturesque setting ideal for photography enthusiasts. For those who wish to delve deeper into nature’s embrace, Mae Sawan Noi Waterfall awaits, nestled within the embrace of Mae Sawan Noi Forest Park, a mere 4 kilometers from Thung Bua Tong Field. A leisurely drive along Rural Road No. 4014 unveils the path to this hidden gem. Along the journey, the mesmerizing sights of the forest and the meticulously carved terraced rice fields of Ban Mae Sawan Noi village emerge, creating a mesmerizing panorama. Mae Sawan Noi Waterfall, a cascading masterpiece of nature, graces the landscape with its seven tiers of unparalleled beauty. Each level unveils a distinct allure, offering a symphony of sights and sounds that resonate with the soul. The waterfall’s life-giving waters flow year-round, an unceasing testament to nature’s unyielding vitality, even during the dry seasons. Embarking upon a journey to Mae Sawan Noi Waterfall is a venture that commences at the highest tier. As explorers descend, approximately one kilometer leads to the lower level, inviting a leisurely hour-long walk adorned with nature’s finest displays. Along the path, a menagerie of plants and the melodious songs of birds greet visitors, adding to the enchantment of the experience.

Bua Tong Field Doi Mae Ho

Wat Phra That Chom Thong Temple:
Nestled within the embrace of Mae Sariang Subdistrict, Mae Sariang District, lies a treasure trove of spiritual significance – the illustrious Wat Phra That Chom Thong Temple. This sacred haven stands as a testament to timeless devotion and architectural marvel, drawing both locals and travelers alike into its hallowed embrace. At the heart of this temple’s sanctum lies an awe-inspiring sight – the majestic Luang Phaw To, a colossal Buddha image of unparalleled grandeur. With dimensions stretching 10 meters in width and soaring to a height of 15 meters, Luang Phaw To reigns as the largest Buddha image within Mae Hong Son province. It is an embodiment of serenity and grace, a guardian of faith gazing upon all who venture to its sacred abode. What sets Wat Phra That Chom Thong Temple apart is its distinctive architectural ode to Lanna heritage. Unlike its counterparts, which often embrace the Shan architectural style, this temple stands proudly in its Lanna legacy. This unique blend of design elements creates an enchanting tapestry that enriches the spiritual and aesthetic experience for all who traverse its grounds. Located a mere kilometer from the heart of Mae Sariang town, the journey to Wat Phra That Chom Thong Temple is a comfortable voyage, whether embarked upon by foot or by vehicle. As the gentle ascent unfolds, a sense of reverence grows, preparing pilgrims and visitors for the spiritual awakening that awaits at the temple’s summit. Within the temple’s sacred courtyard, Luang Phaw To reigns, presiding over the surroundings with an air of tranquility. As the sun begins its descent, the temple transforms into a stage where nature herself performs a mesmerizing symphony. The panoramic vista of Mae Sariang town, embraced by lush forested rice fields, unfolds beneath the gaze of Luang Phaw To. It is during these golden moments of twilight that Wat Phra That Chom Thong Temple reveals its splendor as one of Mae Sariang District’s most captivating sunset viewpoints.

Wat Phra That Chom Thong

Wat Phra That Chom Kitti Temple:
Nestled within the embrace of Mae Yuam Subdistrict, Mae Sariang District, the venerable Wat Phra That Chom Kitti Temple stands as a testament to the passage of time and unwavering devotion. With its origins dating back to the year 2256, this ancient temple has borne witness to centuries of worship, weaving a tapestry of spirituality and heritage that continues to captivate the hearts of those who tread upon its hallowed grounds. Built upon a sprawling expanse of 80 rai, a traditional Thai measure, Wat Phra That Chom Kitti Temple exudes the timeless allure of the Lanna architectural style. Its structures, adorned with intricate detailing and graceful forms, pay homage to an era long past, offering a glimpse into the rich heritage that has shaped its existence. At the heart of this revered temple lies a treasure beyond measure – the sacred relic of Buddha. This relic, a symbol of profound enlightenment and spiritual wisdom, draws pilgrims and devotees from near and far to partake in the celebration that unfolds on the eighth day of the waxing moon in the month of June. This annual gathering is a testament to the enduring connection between humanity and the divine, a celebration that echoes through the ages. The journey to Wat Phra That Chom Kitti Temple is a pilgrimage of its own, a gentle ascent up a hill that cradles this sacred haven. As visitors approach, a path unfurls before them, guiding them through a landscape adorned with natural beauty. Unlike some steep and winding paths, the ascent to this temple is welcoming, inviting travelers to embark upon a spiritual sojourn without trepidation. From its vantage point atop the hill, Wat Phra That Chom Kitti Temple offers a panoramic vista that embraces the entirety of Mae Sariang town. A canvas painted with hues that change with the rhythm of seasons – lush rice fields, majestic mountains, and verdant forests – this tableau captures the essence of nature’s ever-changing symphony. With each passing season, a new chapter unfolds, offering a captivating spectacle that dances before the eyes of those who gaze upon it.

Wat Phra That Chom Kitti

Wat Phra That Chom Mon Temple:
Standing as a revered testament to the Lanna architectural style, Wat Phra That Chom Mon Temple is a venerable gem that graces the landscape of Mae Sariang District. This hallowed sanctuary has etched its presence in the hearts and minds of many, its storied past and enchanting allure capturing the essence of a bygone era. Perched atop a lofty hill, an ancient pagoda reigns, offering a panoramic vista that unfolds like a cherished tapestry before the beholder. From this vantage point, the lower landscape unfurls in a symphony of life – a mosaic of houses and fertile farms, punctuated by the meandering Yuam stream that winds its way through the intricate valleys, its course a testament to nature’s artistry. Wat Phra That Chom Mon Temple stands as a sacred beacon, radiating an aura of sanctity that resonates deeply within the hearts of the Mae Sariang community. This temple, with its hallowed pagoda and spiritual ambiance, holds a place of unparalleled significance. Each year, the month of July heralds a jubilant celebration that reverberates with joy, a harmonious convergence of devotion and festivity. Nestled within the embrace of Ban Kad Subdistrict, Wat Phra That Chom Mon Temple beckons both pilgrims and travelers to ascend its revered heights. The journey unfolds in two distinct ways, each offering its own blend of challenge and reward. The intrepid can choose to ascend the staircase, a path adorned with up to 300 steps that wind their way to the temple’s zenith. This ascent, though demanding, is a pilgrimage of the spirit, a journey of reverence that culminates in a soul-stirring panorama. For those seeking a more leisurely ascent, a narrow, winding, and steep road offers passage to the temple’s summit. This route, while less arduous, is no less enchanting, inviting travelers to savor the journey as they draw closer to the heart of this sacred abode.

Wat Phra That Chom Mon

Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng Temple:
Nestled within the embrace of Chom Chaeng Village, Mae Sariang Subdistrict, Mae Sariang District, lies a spiritual sanctuary that radiates both aesthetic beauty and profound reverence – Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng Temple. This remarkable temple stands as a testament to the intricate tapestry of Lanna art, offering a unique blend of architectural elegance that sets it apart from its peers. Upon entering the hallowed grounds of Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng Temple, visitors are greeted by a visual symphony that marries Lanna artistic elements with captivating patterns, creating an atmosphere that is distinctly its own. Within the sacred confines of the ubosot, the heart of the temple, resides a Buddha image and the principal Buddha image. The walls that encircle this sacred space are adorned with intricate depictions of the Buddha Jataka, most notably the Vessantara Jataka, and other facets of the Buddha’s history, forming a tableau that serves as a source of contemplation and inspiration. Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng Temple has long held an invaluable place in the hearts of the Mae Sariang community. Its significance transcends time, acting as a spiritual anchor that binds generations in a shared journey of devotion and reflection. A crowning jewel of the temple is the resplendent Phra That Chom Chaeng Pagoda, a structure that encapsulates both sacred relics and architectural splendor. Within its confines lie the precious Hair Relics of the Buddha, a poignant reminder of enlightenment and transcendence. Yet, the allure of Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng extends beyond its spiritual offerings to the breathtaking panorama it affords. From its elevated vantage point, visitors are treated to a captivating vista of Mae Sariang Town, a patchwork of rice fields and rural houses that embody the essence of provincial life. As the sun begins its descent, the temple transforms into a stage where nature and spirituality converge, painting the sky with hues of golden and crimson. The sunset, a spectacle of ethereal beauty, mirrors the sacred essence of the temple itself, offering a moment of reflection and awe that lingers in the hearts of all who bear witness.

Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng

Wat Chong Sung Temple or Wat Utayarom Temple:
Erected in the year 2381, Wat Chong Sung Temple, also known as Wat Utayarom Temple, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of devotion and the passage of time. This sacred sanctuary, nestled within its tranquil surroundings, offers a glimpse into history and spirituality, inviting visitors to embark on a journey of discovery and reverence. Upon entering the hallowed grounds of Wat Chong Sung Temple, one is greeted by the presence of three ancient pagodas that whisper tales of bygone eras. Among them, the middle pagoda bears witness to a remarkable transformation. Once a dilapidated relic, this pagoda was painstakingly restored in the year 2499, preserving its legacy for generations to come. Within its walls resides a treasure of immense significance – a golden casket fashioned in the likeness of a turtle, cradling a precious relic of the Buddha. Moreover, the pagoda envelops nine sacred Buddhas, inviting devotees and travelers alike to offer their reverence and prayers. A distinctive aspect of Wat Chong Sung Temple lies in its vibrant tradition of worship. As the full moon graces the sky in the third month of every year, devotees gather in harmony to honor the teachings of the Buddha. This sacred ritual, a symphony of faith and devotion, weaves a tapestry of spiritual connection that transcends time. Within the sanctified confines of Wat Chong Sung Temple, the past converges with the present, creating a space where history, spirituality, and cultural traditions harmoniously coexist. This temple, with its restored pagodas, revered relics, and sacred ceremonies, offers a profound invitation to delve into the depths of Thai heritage and explore the intricate interplay between faith and history.

Wat Chong Sung Temple

Wat Sri Boon Ruang Temple:
Nestled within its tranquil enclave, Wat Sri Boon Ruang temple, also known as Chong Maag Kang temple in the esteemed Shan tradition, stands as a testament to exquisite artistry and timeless beauty. Elegantly etched onto its zinc roof are intricate details that weave a tapestry of enchantment, a visual ode to the delicate craftsmanship of the Shan people. With a design that adheres to the Shan architectural style, the temple’s zinc roof rises in symmetrical splendor, an embodiment of meticulous artistry that has spanned generations. Steeped in history, Wat Sri Boon Ruang temple was erected in the year 2450, despite its relatively modest dimensions, the temple casts an enchanting spell upon all who enter its sacred confines. Its allure lies not only in its physical attributes but in the artful adornments that grace its walls, creating an atmosphere that is both unique and captivating. The temple’s allure is further enhanced by the elaborate and pleasing decoration that adorns its interior, each intricate detail a testament to the devotion and skill of its creators. Amidst its narrow expanse, the temple beckons travelers to appreciate its distinctive charm, a manifestation of cultural heritage and spiritual reverence that stands as a treasure trove of aesthetics and history. As visitors wander through its halls and beneath its adorned roof, they are transported to a realm where art and spirituality converge, where the past speaks to the present in a language of intricate engravings and elegant designs. Wat Sri Boon Ruang temple, with its delicate beauty and distinctive charm, offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Shan culture, inviting all who venture within to partake in its timeless legacy.

Wat Sri Boon Ruang

Wat San Thong Temple:
Nestled within the serene sanctum of Wat San Thong Temple lies a cherished focal point that captures both the eye and the heart – a testament to spiritual reverence and artistic beauty. Here, two exquisite Buddhas find their abode, each radiating a unique presence that resonates with devotion and cultural heritage. One of these revered Buddhas is affectionately known as “Phra Pet,” also referred to as Phra Singha 1. Crafted from bronze, this exquisite Buddha stands as a testament to the skilled craftsmanship of its creators. Measuring a modest 12 inches in width, it embodies a sense of grace and divine serenity that transcends its physical dimensions. Alongside “Phra Pet” stands “Phra Santhong,” a splendid Chiengsan style Buddha that spans 24 inches in width. Its intricate design and captivating form pay homage to the rich artistic traditions that have flourished over time. These Buddhas, more than mere statues, emanate a spiritual aura that resonates with worshippers and visitors alike. An annual spectacle that imbues the temple with vibrancy and communal spirit is the Songkran festival. As the season ushers in a new year, the two Buddhas take center stage, paraded with reverence and joy as villagers pour water in a tradition believed to bestow auspiciousness. This ritual not only signifies renewal and blessings but also offers an opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in the local culture and partake in a moment of shared celebration.

Wat San Thong Temple

Mae Sariang Museum:
Nestled along Wiang Mai Road in the heart of Mae Sariang Sub-district, the Mae Sariang Museum stands as a cultural gem that invites visitors to explore the rich tapestry of history and tradition that defines this region. Housed within a two-story building with an inviting open basement, the museum serves as both a repository of knowledge and a vibrant hub of cultural exchange. The lower floor of the museum embraces the role of a tourist information center, providing valuable insights and guidance to travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the wonders of Mae Sariang. This space also serves as a dynamic venue for cultural activities, echoing with the vibrant pulse of local heritage. Ascending to the upper floor, visitors are greeted by a trove of relics that were bestowed upon Mae Hong Son Province by the esteemed Supreme Patriarch in 2006. Among these treasures, a statue of Phra Khru Panya Worawat, affectionately known as Kruba Pha Pha, commands reverence. Revered not only by the people of Mae Hong Son but also by neighboring provinces, Kruba Pha Pha’s legacy resonates through time, embodying spiritual wisdom and compassion. Central to the museum’s offerings is an enlightening exhibition that delves into the diverse traditions of the Mae Sariang community. From the Tan Khao Ya Ku tradition to the captivating Poy Sang Long ritual, from the esteemed Lu Tian Heng custom to the captivating Poy Aok Wa ceremony, visitors are invited to unravel the intricate threads that compose the cultural fabric of this land. Moreover, the exhibition offers a window into the daily lives and practices of the local inhabitants, providing a holistic perspective on their unique way of life. With doors open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the Mae Sariang Museum extends an open invitation for all to partake in this enriching journey through time and tradition. As you step within its walls, you embark on a voyage of discovery, where the past intertwines with the present, and the spirit of Mae Sariang unfolds in all its captivating splendor.

Mae Sariang Museum
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