Uttaradit Attractions

Situated in the lower northern region of Thailand, Uttaradit is a province celebrated for its abundant culture, deep-rooted traditions, and breathtaking natural landscapes. The province offers a myriad of attractions catering to tourists with diverse interests, ranging from the allure of nature to rich cultural and historical experiences. Additionally, Uttaradit boasts a diverse culinary scene and a range of accommodations spanning various price points, ensuring travelers can tailor their experience to their preferences. For those drawn to the tranquility of a peaceful and less crowded city atmosphere, Uttaradit stands out as an ideal destination to include in your travel itinerary. Whether you seek the embrace of nature, cultural immersion, or a glimpse into history, Uttaradit provides a well-rounded experience for travelers looking to explore the beauty and charm of Thailand’s lower northern region. Uttaradit Province, situated approximately 500 kilometers from Bangkok, encompasses a total area of about 7,838 square kilometers. It shares its borders with Phrae Province, Nan Province, Phitsanulok Province, Sukhothai Province, and Laos. The province is administratively divided into 9 districts: Mueang Uttaradit District, Tron District, Tha Pla District, Nam Pat District, Fak Tha District, Ban Khok District, Phichai District, Laplae District and Thong Saen Khan District.

Uttaradit Province Map

Transportation and Accommodation

Travelers heading from Bangkok to Uttaradit Province have a couple of convenient routes to choose from. The first route entails taking Highway No. 1 and then transitioning onto Highway No. 32, passing through several provinces like Ayutthaya, Ang Thong, and Sing Buri before reaching Chainat and then Nakhon Sawan. From there, take Highway No. 117 to Phitsanulok and continue on Highway No. 11 until arriving in Uttaradit. Alternatively, travelers can opt for the Bangkok – Sing Buri route, passing through Inburi District via Highway No. 311, then transitioning to Highway No. 11 (Inburi-Tak Fa) until reaching Highway No. 12 (Phitsanulok-Lom Sak). Afterward, take a left for approximately 8 kilometers before turning right onto Highway No. 11, leading to Uttaradit. For those preferring train travel, there are daily trains operating between Bangkok and Uttaradit in both directions. Similarly, buses ply the Bangkok-Uttaradit route daily, offering several trips throughout the day. Travelers can conveniently check schedules and book tickets online through platforms like 12Go.asia and Bus Online Tickets. As for accommodations, Uttaradit boasts a diverse range of options to suit various budgets, ranging from budget-friendly rooms to luxurious accommodations. Travelers can explore available rooms and make reservations through reputable booking websites such as TripAdvisor, Agoda, Booking.com, Expedia, and Traveloka.

Lan Son Phu Soi Dao, Uttaradit


Phu Soi Dao National Park:
Phu Soi Dao National Park spans across Ban Khok and Nam Pat Districts in Uttaradit Province, as well as Chat Trakan District in Phitsanulok Province, encompassing an expansive area of about 340 square kilometers. The park’s landscape comprises intricate mountain ranges teeming with diverse flora and fauna, serving as a vital source for watersheds and streams. Rising to an elevation of approximately 2,100 meters above sea level, the park enjoys consistently cool weather, maintaining an average temperature of around 27 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Among its captivating attractions is Lan Son Phu Soi Dao, a natural three-leaf pine forest sprawling across several hundred acres on a mountain plateau situated roughly 1,633 meters above sea level. This area showcases a remarkable blend of high and low hills, with vast grasslands adorning the lower levels. The changing seasons bring forth vibrant wildflowers that dot the meadows, enhancing the perpetual beauty of Lan Son Phu Soi Dao. In addition to the enchanting pine forests and meadows, Phu Soi Dao National Park boasts stunning waterfalls that add to its allure. Notably, the Phu Soi Dao Waterfall stands as a medium-sized cascade featuring a total of five levels, while the Sai Thip Waterfall comprises seven distinct levels, each exhibiting its unique splendor. The surrounding forest, enriched by moisture, blankets the rocks along the streams with lush green moss, adding to the picturesque setting. For travelers interested in exploring this natural wonder, further information and assistance can be obtained through the park’s official website at www.dnp.go.th.

Sai Thip Waterfall, Phu Soi Dao National Park

Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Monument:
Standing tall and proud in front of the Uttaradit Government Center in Uttaradit City, Thailand, the Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Monument serves as a timeless tribute to a courageous Thai hero. Erected in honor of Phraya Phichai Dap Hak, a governor known for his bravery, patriotism, and selflessness, the monument stands as a beacon of national pride and a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made for the sake of the country. During the Thonburi period, Phraya Phichai Dap Hak served as the governor of Muang Phichai. In 1773, when the Burmese army invaded Muang Phichai, Phraya Phichai rallied his troops and valiantly led them into battle. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Phraya Phichai fought with unwavering determination, even losing one of his swords in the fierce clash. His unwavering courage and strategic leadership ultimately led to the defeat of the Burmese invaders. As a result of his bravery and unwavering defense of his homeland, Phraya Phichai Dap Hak earned the esteemed nickname “Phraya Phichai Dap Hak,” meaning “Phraya Phichai of the Broken Sword.” His name became synonymous with patriotism, selflessness, and the indomitable spirit of the Thai people. The Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Monument stands as a tangible reminder of the sacrifices made by Thai heroes throughout history. It serves as a source of inspiration for generations to come, encouraging them to embody the values of patriotism, courage, and unwavering commitment to the nation. Visitors to the Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Monument can gain a deeper understanding of the hero’s life and achievements at the adjacent Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Museum. The museum houses a collection of artifacts, documents, and exhibits that chronicle his remarkable journey and the impact he had on Thailand’s history. The Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Monument is more than just a historical landmark; it is a symbol of national pride and a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Thai people. It serves as a reminder of the importance of courage, patriotism, and the willingness to fight for one’s country, inspiring generations to come to uphold the values that make Thailand a nation of unwavering resilience and strength.

Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Monument

Laplae District:
Laplae District, nestled about 8 kilometers from Mueang Uttaradit District in Uttaradit Province, resides amidst a cradle of mountains, enveloped by unspoiled nature. Here, a deep-rooted traditional culture thrives, embodying a simple and authentic way of life. The district’s primary occupation revolves around agriculture, leveraging the fertile mountainous terrain to become a renowned hub for fruit production in Uttaradit Province. Durian, longkong, langsat, mangosteen, and an array of other fruits flourish in Laplae District, their harvests distributed to various corners of Thailand. Beyond its agricultural prowess, Laplae is a hub for local handicrafts, boasting a tapestry of woven cloth, basketry, brooms, and an assortment of other artisanal crafts. Though once secluded within a valley, today’s convenient transportation networks allow easy access to Laplae throughout the year, beckoning tourists to explore its charms. Before entering Laplae’s town, visitors pass through a remarkable city gate arch, an architectural marvel serving as an emblem of Laplae. Adjacent to this gateway stands the Laplae Museum, an essential stop for those exploring the town. This museum is a repository of Laplae’s history, showcasing the town’s way of life and traditions through intricately modeled displays within each house. Rows of beautiful frangipani trees line the entrance, leading the way to the museum, surrounded by lush green lawns. Laplae’s essence lies in its blend of mountainous landscapes, legendary tales, and a rich tapestry of culture and traditions that have weathered the test of time. Its pristine natural beauty and fresh, clean air imprint a lasting impression on visitors, making Laplae an unforgettable destination.

Laplae District, Uttaradit

Wat Don Sak Temple:
Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Fai Luang Subdistrict, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province, lies Wat Don Sak Temple, a hidden gem that has stood the test of time. Believed to have been constructed during the late Ayutthaya period, the temple is a captivating blend of Chiang Saen and Sukhothai architectural styles. The temple’s crowning jewel is undoubtedly the vihara, a hall for worship and religious ceremonies. Its intricate construction and meticulously carved elements are a testament to the craftsmanship of the era. The doors of the vihara, in particular, stand out as masterpieces of artistry. The doors, adorned with intricate carvings of Kanok patterns, are a mesmerizing blend of delicate shapes and intricate details. These patterns, interspersed with figures of mythical Himmapan animals, exude an aura of otherworldly beauty. The left and right doors, though not identical, interlock perfectly when closed, forming a seamless tapestry of patterns. This intricate craftsmanship highlights the exceptional skill of the artisans who created these doors. Wat Don Sak Temple welcomes visitors from around the world, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Uttaradit. The temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the tranquility and artistry of this hidden gem. Stepping into Wat Don Sak Temple is like stepping back in time, transported to an era of exquisite craftsmanship and deep reverence. The temple’s serene atmosphere and captivating beauty provide a sanctuary for spiritual reflection and cultural appreciation. For those seeking a unique and enriching experience, Wat Don Sak Temple stands as an essential destination. This hidden gem offers a glimpse into the heart of Uttaradit’s cultural heritage, leaving visitors with a lasting appreciation for the artistry and devotion that brought this magnificent temple to life.

Wat Don Sak Temple Uttaradit

Sirikit Dam:
Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Pha Lueat Subdistrict, Tha Pla District, Uttaradit Province, lies Sirikit Dam, a majestic testament to human ingenuity and a cornerstone of Thailand’s water management infrastructure. Formerly known as “Pha Som Dam,” this awe-inspiring structure was renamed in honor of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit on May 24, 1968. Spanning the mighty Nan River, Sirikit Dam stands as the largest earthen dam in Thailand, a marvel of engineering that embodies the nation’s commitment to sustainable development. Its construction, initiated in 1968 under the Nan River Basin Development Project, was meticulously planned to harness the river’s power and transform it into a source of life and prosperity. Sirikit Dam’s significance extends far beyond its imposing stature. It serves as a pivotal role in alleviating floods that once ravaged the Nan River Basin, safeguarding communities and agricultural lands from the destructive forces of nature. The dam’s reservoir also provides irrigation water for agriculture, ensuring a bountiful harvest and food security for the region. In addition to its flood control and irrigation capabilities, Sirikit Dam powers Thailand’s electricity grid, harnessing the Nan River’s kinetic energy to produce clean and renewable hydroelectric power. This sustainable energy source contributes significantly to reducing the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating environmental impact and promoting a greener future. The reservoir behind Sirikit Dam has transformed into a thriving fish breeding ground, nurturing a diverse array of aquatic species that contribute to the local economy and provide sustenance for surrounding communities. The dam also facilitates water transportation, enabling the movement of goods and people across the region, fostering connectivity and economic growth.

Beyond its functional roles, Sirikit Dam offers a sanctuary for nature lovers and adventure seekers. The vast reservoir transforms into a picturesque lake, its tranquil waters reflecting the surrounding mountains and lush greenery. Visitors can embark on scenic boat tours, marveling at the dam’s grandeur and the serenity of the surrounding landscapes. A unique cultural experience awaits those who venture into the heart of the dam area. Communities of raft dwellers have established their homes on the reservoir’s placid waters, their lives intertwined with the rhythm of the dam. Visitors can immerse themselves in their traditions and gain a deeper understanding of their resilient way of life. For those seeking an unforgettable overnight experience, Sirikit Dam offers accommodations on traditional rafts. These rustic yet comfortable abodes provide a unique opportunity to connect with nature and experience the tranquility of the reservoir under the starlit sky. Sirikit Dam stands as a testament to Thailand’s dedication to sustainable development and its unwavering commitment to harnessing nature’s resources for the betterment of its people. From flood control and irrigation to hydroelectric power generation and fish breeding, the dam plays a multifaceted role in the nation’s prosperity. Beyond its functionality, Sirikit Dam offers a haven for recreation, relaxation, and cultural immersion, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking to experience the true essence of Thailand.

Sirikit Dam Uttaradit

Festivals and Events

Langsat and Longkong Festival:
The Langsat and Longkong Festival, accompanied by the OTOP Uttaradit products event, is an annual celebration held in September. Its primary goal is to showcase the province’s fruit production, particularly langsat and longkong, as well as promote local OTOP (One Tambon One Product) items. This event also aims to boost tourism, foster economic development, and raise awareness about Uttaradit Province’s important traditional events. Uttaradit Province is renowned as the largest growing area for sweet langsat in Thailand, with Langsat Uttaradit being of exceptional quality and sweetness. The province is also known for its high-quality longkong cultivation, which features fruits resembling beautiful bouquets with soft, velvet-like peels, few or no seeds, a pleasant aroma, and a sweet taste. Langsat and longkong are typically harvested and released to the market from August to September each year. During the festival, various engaging activities take place, such as parades adorned with langsat and longkong, contests for the biggest and most spectacular fruits, beauty pageants, agricultural crop competitions, langsat and longkong contests, fruit basket competitions, exhibitions from government agencies, and sales of OTOP products. Additionally, visitors can explore fruit orchards in Mueang District and Laplae District, as well as experience other captivating tourist attractions throughout Uttaradit Province.

Hae Nam Khuen Hong Tradition:
The “Hae Nam Khuen Hong” tradition in Laplae District is a revered event where locals pay homage to Prince Ham Kumar, the first king credited with founding the city of Laplae. This tradition, steeped in history, has been observed since ancient times as a means to honor Prince Ham Kumar and the sacred spirits residing in Laplae, aiming to bring tranquility, happiness, and prosperity to the community. Scheduled annually on the 13th day of the waxing moon of the 6th lunar month (May), the Hae Nam Khuen Hong ceremony involves the sprinkling of holy water and perfumed water to venerate Prince Ham Kumar’s spirit. This act serves as a token of gratitude and remembrance for the benevolence of Prince Ham Kumar. Moreover, the tradition aims to preserve and promote local arts, culture, and customs, ensuring that future generations take pride in their heritage. By fostering cultural tourism and celebrating unique local traditions, such as the Hae Nam Khuen Hong ceremony, Laplae District aims to showcase its rich cultural tapestry and draw attention to the historical significance of the area. Through these efforts, Laplae District continues to uphold its distinct identity while inviting others to partake in its cultural heritage.

Longkong, Uttaradit
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